Friday, June 10, 2011

Sweet Dosa

 I have  been out  for  a long weekend to florida  and  later  was  very tired to  write  or make  something at  home,  the next week end  was  very  much  fun with lots  of celebrations and  friends which occupied  my complete week end and couple  of  days  in the   new week  so could not do much ...  will be prompt in posting recipes from now  on . first  one  after th e break is  for  kids

Sweet  Dosa

This   one  is  specially for kids  i had   it  when i was small and  i like it a  lot. Can be  prepared  inan instant and  sure is  tasty  my  daughter  loves it .

Item : Sweet  Dosa\
Time  taken 10-15 mins
Source : Mom.


  • 1 cup Wheat flour 
  • 1 cup powdered jaggery or  sugar (both will taste  good )
  • 1/2 tsp cardamom powder
  • shredded coconut
  • water 
 Take  jaggery in a  bowl and  add water to it ot dissolve it, if u using the cubed jaggery then add water  to it microwave it for  couple of  minutes and cool the  mixture. Add this  mixture  to the  wheat  flour  to make a batter of   dosa consistency. Mix thoroughly  so that  there are no  lumps in it .Finally add cardamom powder for nice sweet flavour. Heat the  griddle   and pour a cup full of batter smear it  to make  nice thin dosa add oil and  wait  till its  brown and cooked on both the sides  now add shredded coconut to  it  and is ready to  be served.

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