Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Green Mutton gravy

Let  me  not  give any introduction but straight away go to the recipe .

What we need :

  •  1lb Mutton 
  • whole garam masala
  • 2-3 onions 
  • ginger- garlic  paste
  • Bunch of  mint ( 15-20 strands)
  • Fresh ginger
  • Coconut powder
  • 2 medium sized potatoes diced.
  • Oil
  •  Turmeric
  • Garam  masal  powder
  • 8-10 Green chillies (depends on u r taste)
  • Lime .
How I made it 
Step 1; Boil the mutton .

Wash the  meat to it add 1 tsp ginger -garlic paste, one slmall onons  diced, salt , turmeric and  whole gram masala , take  in  a  pressure coker and pressure cook it for 2-3  whistle  ot  till the  meat  is  soft.

Step  2: making the masala
In a  mixer or  blender cup take  mint leaves, coriander leaves, ginger piece and coconut powder and  green chillies. grind  with little  water to make  it to nice masala.

step  3:
Now in another pan  pour  oil  when  heated add  grated  ginger , fry till its brown  and  now  add  whole garam- masala , wait  for  few seconds and  add ur  onions, potatoes, half of  mint and  2-3 green chillies , fry them  till   onions are brown , now  add tomatoes cook till it  is soft. Now  add the mint  coconut  ground masala. mix weel and   cook in a  slow  falme  till the raw  smell is  gone and  oil seperates. At the end  add 1 tsp of  lime  juice to the  gravy mix  well and  is  ready to be  served. Do not  skip the  lime  part as  it enhances the taste.

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