Monday, July 4, 2011

Dil pasand Bakery style

 The  word Dil Pasnad  directly  takes  me  back  to my  childhood , all of  which i grew  up eating Dil-pasand and honey cake  and  cream bun from Bangalore iyengars bakery. Yummmmmmmmm !!!!!!!!!!!!!  i still can  feel the  taste and   will never forget it. Every interval  at school , every special class and every outing was incomplete  without  it ,  Infact when i was pregnant , this  was  there in my  big  wish  list i had  of  food, Believe  me or not i  went to bakery  in my  ninth month  and  had this  without anybody  knowing,  as i was  on  strict no-sugar diet. i cannot  resist the  hard crisp coat  with  cruchy  coconut filling with lots  of  tutty- futty. I  relished it and  i did not want Rhea  to miss out on this  and  therefore  tried this .

  • 1 puff pastry sheet  (pepper ridge) Thawed at  room temperature.
  • 2 cup Shredded coconut( i used the  store bought ) Thawed  at  room  temperature 
  • 1 cup Tutty frutty 
  • 2 cups Sugar
  • 1tsp cardamom powder.
 How i made it.
Take a wide pan  add sugar to it add water just enough to dissolve the sugar, Keep  it on  medium flame , Allow it  come to a boil  now   add the shredded coconut , tutty  futty  and  the  cardamom powder. Mix  up all the  ingredients  in a  such  a  way that  they  get  blended . If  u feel that  the  mix  is  a  little  runny  then keep it up on flame till its dry .
 Mean while  get ur  pastry  sheet ready , Thaw  it in room  temperature and open it  up , cut   out a  big circle  from one  of the  sheets  and  another  circle  from another  sheet  but  a  little  smaller in size than the  first circle.
Now put  in the  coconut stuffing  on the  center of the  first  circle and  spread , cover  it  with the  second  puff pastry sheet. Seal the  edges  and is   ready to  bake ,  Bake  it  at 350 degree F, for  20-30 min or  till its golden brown  in colour.
With the  left  over  puff pastry  sheets   use your  own imagination and makes  diffent shapes and  sizes.
Enjoy the Di pasand  with ur  child hood  memory , iam sure  u will  love  and  crave  for  more .


  1. Hey Sarika, nice one, this has been on my too do list since long, but never got to it. I do remember eating this during summer vacations in karnataka.

  2. Hi Sarika, Thank u for a wonderful recipe... It tasted very good... The taste of coconut with the sugar was awesome..
