Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Strawberry Ice cream

I scream, u scream  we all scream for ice cream
On a hot summer  day who would not die to  eat a  cold  cup of ice-cream, and i belong to the  category of people  who can eat ice cream at any season and  at any time of the day or night, and   my daughter  is also following her moms foot steps. i come from a  great ice-cream lover family , where every treat is celebrated with different flavours of vadilal ice-cream. i have tasted and eaten  ice cream in many forms, friend ones melted ones and  ice-creams in colas are also great and my favorite  flavor is ALL right frcm the one rupee mango candy  to big and exotic named ones too.
Oh i love this icecream i made i still have some left , my daugter and i will enjoy it the afternoon sitting in the pation watching the kutty baby birds and  i cant wait for u all try this .  I have  made icecream with mangoes  but strawberry is for the first time.

Ingredients that we need

  • 500ml of milk
  • Fresh strawberrys 
  • 2-3 spoon full of corn starch
  • 500gms of sugar
  • Strawberry essence (its ok  if u dont get it , since i found it in walmart i used it )
  • Half tin( 150 ml ) of condensed milk
  •  250 ml of heavy whipping cream 
How i did  it

  • Boil the milk in a heavy bottomed vessel , Add about 400 gms of sugar to it, keeps stirring and reduce the flame. Once the sugar dissolves , remove the milk from the flame.
  • Mix  the cornflour  in  litttle cold milk , and stir  the mixture into the boiled milk, keep the  milk  back on low flame , till it thickens.(u will know when you see it) Switch off the  flame and cool the mixture.
  • Take strawberry( the amount depends on  your taste buds. i used about 20- 25 of them) in the mixer add to it about  50 gms of sugar and  blend it  into a smooth pulp. u can add some milk  to it  to make it  more soft . Add this strawberry pulp to the boiled and cooled milk.
  • Add the condensed milk and strawberry essence about 4-5 drops to  it  and freeze it in the freezer.
  • let the mixture get semi freezed , thaw it  blend the mixture using a blender or mixer,  u can  use had mixer too.
  • Add the whipped cream to the mixture, blend it again (i used the hand mixer), to it add small cut peices of  fresh strawberry (i used around 5-7 of them) and strawberry essence about 4-5 drops.
  • Freeze  it , your strawberry ice-cream is ready.
Whipping cream.

Freeze the bowl and the whipper blades  before starting the whipping process, it should be very cold.
 take the whipping  cream in  a cold  bowl (I used the store bought heavy whipping cream)
 and  whip it  using a  hand blender till soft peak are formed , donot over do it as it  will convert to butter. once the soft peaks are formed add 2-3 table spoons of sugar . Now its ready to use.

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