The 365 project is a where u capture a year of yur life by taking a photo daily .Its been going on since a couple of years among the enthusiastic photpgraphers to capture their lifes in a single photo taken daily and post in somewhere online .Most of them do it photoblog,make their own blogs like i did , some in flickr and many more available in www .
I started it instantly most of my decisions are like that , i was browsing through different photographic website and came along this idea and i started with this blog . It took me couple of days to undersatnd how blogs are done and how its manged . it was difficult to work in the day with a 24*7 highly active kutty devil at home . so i started to sit in late hours enjying the complete silence and freedom of using the laptop for my use and not palying any rhymes or Dora in it .
since its the first time i doing this i really dont know whether i will be able to find interesting topics everyday. its n ot very easy to carry a DSLR everywhere i go. but no excuses for now
happy browsing all................... have fun with the post and pics .
advise on better job, crtisizism , funy comments, critisism , and above all appreciation is always welcomed with a broad smile .