Thursday, May 5, 2011

Strawberry preserve

After  a wonderful day at  Washington farms it was time to  make use of the loads of strawberry we picked up  at the farms. i had a  list of  ideas about  how  to make the complete  use of  it. Making strawberry preserve was the first thought  that was in  my  mind, apart from that  i wanted to make a strawberry  cake and ice cream and smoothie and what  not,  i am trying all of  that in turn. Preserve  suddenly  bring to my  mind the  yummy mango preserve and guava preserve my mom used to  make for us in summer. we had a  big gauva( with red pulp) tree in my grandmothers backyard. The  tree was so productive that we used to run out of ideas of what to do with so many guavas ,and jam was the instant answer. i loved what  my  mom made and i am using the same recipe but with strawberry.
Source: Mummy (that  what i called  my mom)
Time  30-40mins

Ingredients used
2lb fresh strawberries
4 cups of Sugar
2 spoons lemon juice
1pck of pectin 

How i  made it 
  1. Washed and hulled all the strawberries.Since it was hand picked there were no rotten ones.
  2. With the help of the potato masher, mash up the berries ad much as u can 
  3. Add sugar to it and  let it sit for 30-40mins
  4. Bring  the mixture to boil on a low flame for 5-10mins , then add the lemon juice .Let the mixture come to a  rolling  boil  for  another 10  mins.
  5.  In another  small bowl  take some water and add the pectin and  dissolve it  and  keep it  ona  low  flame till it  boils over.
  6. Add the boiled pectin to the boiling berry mixture and then increase the flame to  high . Let the  whole  mixture come to a  rolling  boil for about 10 mins.Keep stirring continuously.
  7. Switch off the flame and allow the preserve to completely cool down.
  8. Store it in your fridge in clean bottles.
Test to check if your preserve is ready .

Jelling test:
  • Place a small plate in the freezer, when u start preparing the preserve.
  • Take a spoon ful of ready preserve and place it on the chilled  plate
  • Replace the  plate back in the freezer and let it sit in ther for  couple of minutes
  • Now remove the plate and run you finger into the preserve in the center, if the preserve dose not try to  run back then its  ready to be canned
Making of preserve in pictures

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